We are making fall inspired art in my classes these days. Its hard not to be moved by the beautiful changing colors all around us. This first project is simple and is a nice way to archive your little ones hand print. We painted Laila's hand and arm with brown tempera paint and them stamped it on the paper. We used a brush to define where we stamped her arm because it didn't come out very clear. After the "tree trunk" was dry we used finger paints in fall colors and stamped some "leaves" on our tree. Laila decided she also wanted a bush. When the finger paint was still wet we sprinkled gold glitter on it to add a little extra to our tree. This will be a nice keep sake. One day we can look back and remember how little her hand was and how much fun we had making it together.
I also planned this project for my art class and when I saw how cute they turned out Laila, Gregg and I made some at home to decorate for fall. We used the wet on wet water coloring method. I started with cutting out the leaves from watercolor paper. We used oil pastels to draw in the veins of the leaves. Next we soaked the leaves in a bucket of water for a couple minutes.