Monday, September 15, 2008

Muffin Tin Monday

Ever heard of it? I was introduced to it by Katy over at Sycamore Stirrings.  Yummy kids snack and lunch ideas based on a children's book of your choice, sounds fun doesn't it? Check out everyone's ideas here.  If you give it a try, will you let me know what you choose? Email me your pictures and thoughts and I'll post it here for everyone else to see and maybe try themselves.  Laila and I are going to read A Garden for Groundhog by Lorna Balin and then fill our muffin tray with the vegetables we see in the book. Perfect since we just got a bunch of fresh veggies from Nana's garden.  I'll post our pictures and thoughts after lunch. 

My plan for our weekend craft went by the wayside as we spent time celebrating my mom's birthday. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, and hopefully you had a little more time for art then we did.  If not hopefully it was filled with lots of fun and rest.   

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